Digitally Connected Airports Conference Wrap-up
Last week BEONTRA attended the “Digitally Connected Airports Conference” hosted by Eurocontrol & ACI in Brussels. At this well-organized event, the European aviation community discussed the trends & challenges imposed on the industry in order to meet the future capacity demand.
With an expected growth of 48% in 2040, the slot-constrained aviation system is under extreme pressure to increase capacity. The growing consciousness around climate change and the EU green deal that was officially presented yesterday force airports to only consider expansion plans that do not have a negative impact on the environment.
Key take-aways the audience was briefed on to master this challenge were:
- Increase stakeholder alignment
- Put the passenger first
- Support policies and legalization
- Leverage technology & digitalization
BEONTRA contributes to these take-aways and is committed to the overall challenge of increasing capacity in a sustainable manner. Over the next months, we will fast-track and evaluate several ideas raised by our internal innovation platform process. Whether it affects your budget forecast, terminal capacity management scenarios or strategic development plan, BEONTRA will provide you with the transparency required to take sound and aligned decisions.
Contact us or request a free demo to find out more about how BEONTRA can support your airport.